what Color is your 7123 Convertible?


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What color is your convertible?

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Yellow but it was originally medium brown (5H).

I guess these polls are about the actual colors of our cars, not the original ones, right?

6F Gold glow metallic

yellow if you count our cougar but since she is a cousin we won't vote

Mustang color 6c medium yellow gold like to know how many 73 verts are out there only 140 some got that color in 1973????????

The one I am working on is 73 yellow 6E. Is the E what makes it have the black around the bottom with the trim?

The tops of the front fenders, hood and top of passenger door has been painted but the remainder is factory. It looks like they paint the black first then mask and do the yellow. PO did lots of damage pulling a stick on bump strip off the side just above the body line. Repairing damaged wiring now, what a mess.


am i allowed in THIS club?
Well you're already here so things can't get any worse, can they, lol. You know everyone here looks at you like the older relative with dementia, let you wander around the place and hear you babbling on, while everyone tries to keep quiet in the other room hoping you won't find us, but somehow you always do, lol. So keep shuffling around in your dressing gown and slippers as there's others hiding in other parts of the place, lol. Seriously though, why wouldn't we let a guy like you in here.

My '73 is the factory Red
