Midlife Harness Restorations Holiday Season Hours


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Shorts checker
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
My Car
No Mustangs at the moment.
I will be taking an extended vacation with my new girlfriend from Dec. 20 through Jan. 8, and won't be accepting orders during that time.  Well, yes, I'll be taking orders but only from her, if you know what I mean.  I'll try to continue reading the forum and posting, but I may be distracted...

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Well, due to a breakdown in a vehicle that can't be fixed until mid-January, the trip has been postponed.  I've updated the website to indicate I'm still accepting orders until TBD.


Ummm...the vacation is in Mexico, so getting a rental truck/van with the ability to get insurance for Mexico isn't affordable.  It's her truck, and was intended to help haul stuff back from the house she is selling.
