Recent content by Vern Cook

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  1. Vern Cook

    ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project

    Comparing the before and after's I think there is a massive improvement. I'm hoping I can do half as well. Or maybe you would like a holiday in Auss.
  2. Vern Cook

    ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project

    Wonderful work with the panel match-ups. And I'm not belittling the rest of the work either.
  3. Vern Cook

    Identification of ground wire

    "I'm not going to dignify that with a response." Ha ha ha yuk yuk yuk
  4. Vern Cook

    Hi 7173 Community New Aussie Member

    Welcome from Perth Australia.
  5. Vern Cook

    I've strayed, again.

    Beautiful collection. "I think we need a bigger garage"
  6. Vern Cook

    Reinforcing Bondo

    I don't know what you are trying to fill but have a look at paintless dent removal. Just discovered it myself and having a wonderful time playing round with it. Don't know it's limitations but don't think it would work well on rust.😁
  7. Vern Cook

    Fuel Vent - What to do?

    I would also like to apologize to CandyRcode, Ray and Bill. I did reply to your Posts but I think I must have put the replies in the wrong place. Vern
  8. Vern Cook

    Fuel Vent - What to do?

    Thankyou to everybody. Done and dusted. Got it from Cougar Parts and Rio's photos should help me navigate a renovation.
  9. Vern Cook

    Fuel Vent - What to do?

    t.kohlmeyer: you could have charged as much for your charcoal canisters as you paid for the cars. rcadd1ct: as they say in the classics, "Thank God you're here". They look good. I've copied the website. Much appreciated. Vern
  10. Vern Cook

    Replacing battery mount area of fender skirt

    I'm at about the same expertise as you but I have learnt a few things on my journey that may help. Nothing is better than practice and experience and we are probably about the same so no comment. The list below is just procedural and I apologize to everybody if I am doing a "No shit Sherlock"...
  11. Vern Cook

    Fuel Vent - What to do?

    We'd all like to get hold of a charcoal canister but they are as scarce as hen's teeth. Looked at some. modern ones but they are all encumbered with computer controlled valves. Going to have to mungrilize a modern one or start with an old paint can. That's funny.....My dictionary doesn't...
  12. Vern Cook

    Front speaker

    Instead of wood you could use a thin piece of plastic like a thin plastic cutting board. It cuts, drills and shaves like wood except when electric tools are used on it. If it gets can melt
  13. Vern Cook

    Mystery Ashtray

    Try a cup holder instead?
  14. Vern Cook

    Aftermarket interior trim pieces

    Let ebay know. They don't like people selling faulty parts on their website and can put a bit of pressure on him to refund. Paypal used to be good as well when Elon Musk was at the helm but I've heard they're not as good now. Even so, be worth letting them know. Don't let ars*ho**s get the...
  15. Vern Cook

    Don't you love the "I'm gonna fix'er up one of these day, guys!"

    Hi Bill, at the moment I am looking for a charcoal canister for the tank venting system. Extremely hard to find one even in 'The States' but here in Australia....almost impossible. I've had a response from CandyRcode but I feel embarrassed to put her through all the trouble of posting it out...